The Waterloo Public Library is grateful for the support of our community. The purpose of this page is to outline resources to promote the importance and value of the Waterloo Public Library. These tools have been compiled to make it as easy as possible to share your support for the library with your friends, family, and community.
Advocacy helps to:
- Inform public library users and the community about library services and their value
- Demonstrate how public library services improve the lives of people in the community
- Ensure libraries have resources to continue offering these important services
- Secure a place at the table for library leaders where important funding and policy decisions are made
Why is Advocacy Important?
Library advocacy is important because it ensures we continue to have the means necessary to serve as a vital community resource supporting all community members. Regular and consistent advocacy with stakeholders means there is a greater chance of being top of mind when important decisions are being made.
We hope this webpage will offer you the resources needed to advocate for the Waterloo Public Library. Some examples of the messages we hope you will share:
- “Waterloo Public Library is a vital community hub that fosters lifelong learning, promotes literacy, and provides equal access to information for all residents.”
- “The library offers free resources, programs, and services that support education, professional development, and personal growth, contributing to a thriving community.”
- “Investing in the Waterloo Public Library is an investment in our community’s future, as it enhances the quality of life, promotes economic development, and strengthens social cohesion.”

Chuck Grassley https://www.grassley.senate.gov/contact/questions-and-comments
Joni Ernst https://www.ernst.senate.gov/contact/email-joni
Ashley Hinson https://hinson.house.gov/zip_authentication?form=/contact
State Senators:
William Dotzler bill.dotzler@legis.iowa.gov
Dave Sires dave.sires@legis.iowa.gov
State House Representatives:
Jerome Amos Jr. jerome.amosjr@legis.iowa.gov
Timi Brown-Powers timi.brown-powers@legis.iowa.gov
Bob Kressig bob.kressig@legis.iowa.gov
Derek Wulf derek.wulf@legis.iowa.gov
Black Hawk County Board of Supervisors
Tom Little (expires 2024) 319-833-3075
Linda Laylin (expires 2024) 319-833-3075
Ritchie Kurtenbach 319-833-3075
Chris Schwartz 319-833-3075
Tavis Hall 319-833-3075
Waterloo City Council
Quentin Hart, Mayor Mayor@waterloo-ia.org
Rob Nichols, At Large Rob.nichols@waterloo-ia.org
Steve Simon, At Large Steve.Simon@waterloo-ia.org
John Chiles, Ward 1 John.chiles@waterloo-ia.org
Dave Boesen, Ward 2 Dave.boesen@waterloo-ia.org
Nia Wilder, Ward 3 Nia.wilder@waterloo-ia.org
Dr. Belinda Creighton-Smith, Ward 4 Belinda.Creighton-Smith@waterloo-ia.org
Ray Feuss, Ward 5 Ray.feuss@waterloo-ia.org
David Eckert, Director deckert@waterloopubliclibrary.org
Jillian Rutledge, Assistant Director jrutledge@waterloopubliclibrary.org

Why I Love My Library
The impact of a public library can best be measured by the impact on our community. This is where you come in!
Tell us how the library has impacted your life or the lives of those around you. Share meaningful interactions or moments, or tell us about your experience with a library staff member.
By submitting this form, you give the Waterloo Public Library permission to share your comments. If we share your comments, we will only display your first name and last initial. Not all submissions are published.