
ADA Accommodations

The library offers access to a motorized cart, a manual wheelchair and an elevator for our patrons to use. Click here for more information about our building’s ADA Checklist. 

For Seniors & Homebound Patrons

The Third Age Project began with a grant that was developed by the Waterloo and Cedar Falls Public Libraries, the Hawkeye Valley Area Agency on Aging and the Jesse Cosby Center. This program provides library and other associated outreach services to seniors where they live and gather. In other words, this outreach targets senior citizens-both active seniors and those confined to their homes, or those living in assisted living facilities or nursing/retirement homes.

Homebound book clubs for senior facilities, and special sets of large print books for general reading, are currently offered by the library.

For more information, call Mary Kabel at the Waterloo Public Library at 291-4496 ext. 3842.

Resources for Caregivers

Dementia Caregiver Kits are a resource for those caring for a person living with dementia. Each kit includes books, DVDs or music CDs, musical or rhythmic instruments, games and activities, and tactile engagement elements all designed to encourage mental stimulation and activity for the person living with dementia. Kits are labeled by activity level and are available for those in the early, middle, or late stages of dementia.